Turquoise Circuit Rodeo

rodeo rō′dē-ō″, rō-dā′ō
n. A public competition or exhibition in which skills such as riding broncos or roping calves are displayed.
n. A cattle roundup.
n. An enclosure for keeping cattle that have been rounded up.
Turquoise Circuit
The best in the southwest!

About Us
The best in the southwest!
The Turquoise Circuit is part of The Circuit System devised by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. The Circuit System, the cornerstone of the PRCA, is an integral part of the association. Every PRCA contestant belongs to a circuit and has an opportunity to advance to a national championship in the multimillion-dollar arm of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association.
The Circuit System affords opportunities to cowboys who may not have the circumstances that allow them to be on the road for thousands of miles a year. The responsibilities of home, jobs or businesses require they spend more time in specific geographic location than they would be able to spend traveling across the country. But make no mistake, these cowboys are as good as they come. They also make up the majority of the PRCA’s membership.
In 1975, the PRCA created a system that breaks up the United States into 12 circuits. The circuits include as few as one state, such as the California, Texas and Montana circuits, to as many as 14 states – the First Frontier Circuit in the northeastern part of the country. In recent years Mexico and Canada have become circuits as well.